Glossy smooth looking plastic fenders attract a lot of attention from prospective buyers. Restoring old faded plastic is fairly easy and it can pay off big when trying to sell your vintage ATC. Repair techniques have evolved along way from the zip tie stitching most of us have seen. Plastic welders with color coded filler rods and plastic renew are just a few products that can result in quality repairs that look presentable and can save you money. It will take some effort (hand sanding) to get good results but like anything else the more you do it the easier it will become. I have found using the rustoleum plastic clearcoat will increase the durability of the plastic renew which can fade and smear with pressure washing. If your fenders are faded, cracked, and are not missing large pieces there is a good chance that you can restore them. Even if you can’t restore your plastic fenders use them for practice. Below are some before and after pics of some 1984 Honda 200ES Big Red fenders I restored. For some more information on some of the plastic repairs I’ve done and the products I have used check out the links below.

Plastic welder review
Plastic renew restoring plastic 1987 Yamaha Warrior
Plastic welding 1987 warrior
1989 Suzuki LT250R Quadracer Restoration